From : LG V. Nelson
To: RA Mix
Subject : Kappa Squadron Sortie report // ID: KS-001-054

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Mission Objectives:

1. Capture/Termination of Renegade Imperial Transport [ TRN : Freedom, formerly registered as TRN : eki-tra-1 ] by Kappa Squadron.

2. Return to SSD Avenger for debriefing.

Mission Background:


...select: 1. skip section / 2. enter TC PIN# and clearance password / 3. Abort [activity logged!]

[ 1 ]

...section skipped !

Personel Roster:

Kappa flight one. Returning from escort duty near Aurora Prime.

... select 1. ignore / 2. load relevant Kappa report / 3. file relevant Kappa report for later retrieval.

[ 3 ]

Roster :

1-1) BG Kast
1-2) GN Larck
1-3) GN Bryl
1-4) GN Kresswel

All pilots flying missile boats with varying Advanced Concussion Missile and Proton Torpedo loads.

also on reinforcement standby : Psi squadron

... select 1. ignore / 2. load relevant Psi report / 3. file relevant Psi report for later retrieval.

[ 3 ]

... report filed !
... continuing:

Mission Report :

Kappa Squadron FL1 entered combat zone at 1417h, 14km from the SSD Avenger, and proceeded on a course to the Avenger's fore hangar bay 2. At 1430h, with Flight one 2km away from the Avenger, TRN : Freedom broke loose from this same hangar bay and headed for a hyperjump point 5km distant. Kappa were immediately ordered to intercept.

Taking an unnecessarily long arc around the body of the SSD Avenger (at no point in this mission were SLAM systems engaged), Kappa Flight One proceeded to half heartedly attack the transport using laser cannons only. At this point (T=1.20), I contacted BG Kast with orders to improve performance. Unabridged transcript follows:

LG Nelson
: "What the hell is with you, Kappa one? Nail that thing now!"

BG Kast: "We're trying to... warhead systems damaged in our last encounter... Lasers only! We'll finish it yet!"

LG Nelson: "Not good enough! We need that thing dead! Launching Psi to..."

BG Kast: "Hell no! Dammit sir keep those guys out of this! This is a Kappa mission and thats how it's gonna stay!"

LG Nelson: "No time for bravado you fool. I'm launching Psi, and if you want that kill... you'd better start fighting for it!

BG Kast: "Dammit sir. Oh hold on... comms are... ear me, Nel....



Psi Squadron (3 flights) launched from SSD Avenger upon my first order. Also at this time index, Kappa 1-1 shut down all systems, followed by 1-2, 1-3, and 1-4.

Between T=2.50 and T=3.00 this mission reached a climax. As Psi began to enter long warhead range, Kappa Flight One restored system control, powered up engines and seemingly resumed pursuit. However, as Psi launched its volley of concussion missiles (advanced) at TRN Freedom, all four Kappa Missile boats turned their laser cannons on the approaching volley of warheads, prematurely detonating them.

Although in the ensuing confusing Psi valiantly responded with a second warhead strike, they were unable to prevent the transport jumping at T=3.30 and Kappa Flight One following at T=3.40.

Psi Squadron returned to the SSD Avenger at T=4.50 without incident

Other Comments:

Sir, although i am in no position to estimate the gravity of this situation, it seems that questions must be asked of the duty flight officer - why were Kappa, an escort squadron asked to take on a mission in which they had little recent combat experience - an interception, when Psi squadron were about to launch for a routine patrol?

Although I am unaware of the contents of the escaping transport, it is apparent to myself and several others that it was of extreme importance to the Emperor's Hammer. In light of this, I suspect dire treachery, with the blame lying firmly on the shoulders of Brigadier General Kast, and Generals Larck, Bryl, and Kresswel. Although this must be referred to our superiors, I strongly reccomend a warrant for the capture and arrest of these four men, henceforth branded as traitors to the Empire.


WC/LG V. Nelson/Wing II/SSD Avenger/EH