Source : "Imperial Glory" issue#400 p11
Article: "Rebel Butchers Attack Outlying Colonies"
Reported by : Max Ilo

Article Body:

The Aurora sector was today left stunned by the Rebel Terrorist Group's most brutal attack to date on the innocent citizens of the Emperor's Hammer. Under the cover of darkness this morning, in a sadistic attempt to destroy the harmony enjoyed by our Empire, Rebel Calamari Cruisers disgorged several pirate reaiding parties, which then proceeded to loot and pillage several areas of the outying colony of Req, whist commiting multiple human atrocities against the inhabitants, in their trademark brutal style.

Fortunately for the defending citizens, a saviour descended from the sky in the form of Wing I of the Emperor's Hammer. These brave men soon dealt retribution to the Rebel butchers, and combined with the heroic efforts of the Hammer's Fist Stormtrooper Legion, justice and order were soon restored.

Such were the atrocities commited, our great Protector - Grand Admiral Ronin, appointed by the Emperor himself made comment. "Although this attack was restricted to a very small number of our loyal citizens, the style in which their deaths occured leaves the Hammer no option. We will move immediately with all our might to eliminate this scourge of the galaxy once and for all!"