From : INQ Eram Eappo
GA Ronin
Subject :
Personal : "Eki Requiem" Incident.

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Sir, it is with a heavy heart that I return from the "Requiem" platform. By now, you have likely heard several tales of the brutalities commited, but no tale can prepare you for the full scale of what happened to those colonists.

Many words spring to mind. Wiped out. Obilterated. Destroyed...

All true, and worse. This was a emotionless excercise in butchery.

Much footage of the event survives, and all has been forwarded to the Command Squadron, but I fear that this will also confirm what you already suspect. Suffice to say that our eki project succeeded... 110%. It is a tragedy that they did not succed on the behalf of the Hammer.

However, if any positives can be drawn from this, then it gives me some satisfaction to report that a quick reaction from the ISD Colossus brought about a total obliteration of both the captured Requiem Platform, and the renegade eki command ship. The project's chief scientist, the defector Brei Thaup was unfortunately killed in an escape attempt before he could be captured. It is thought that by directing his first strike at the original eki research base, he was attempting to demonstrate his strong feelings of rebellion against the Empire.

Unfortunately this does not explain why he allowed over 200 innocent citizens to be massacred by force-enhanced stormtroopers. This seems most out of character from a man who fled the Hammer declaring us to be "cruel" and "heavy-handed"...

Thankfully, Intelligence reports that it is unlikely any eki data survived this encounter. With the deck officer who allowed Thaup's escape having met an untimely demise at the hands of your men, this leaves the only loose end in this whole debacle as the four heinous traitors in Kappa Squadron - BG Kast, and GNs Larck, Bryl and Kresswel. It is they who must shoulder the blame for the death of these 200 innocents. When, and if their position is discovered, they will be subject to the most direct and cold form of Imperial Justice imaginable. These men have brought a dishonour to their squadron which may never be erased.


INQ Eram Eappo