Kappa squadron report (16th of December, 2005)
By MAJ Moagim Daar
Greetings Kappans,
this was definitely the most active week in a while, mainly thanks to Brukhar who obtained XvT CDs again and flooded my inbox with colossal load of pilot files. Of course, Brukhar wasn't the only one who flew some battles, so our total BSF count for this week reached 37 battles with 189 missions flown - way to go guys! Some medals were also awarded, Kaisin received Palpatine Crescent as a reward for his great job in the last month, Algaron received Imperial security medal for his work on Apocalypse Raising fiction, while Tempest received Medal of Communication for his MB and IRC activity (note for Zethy: If I remember correctly, I made *quite different* recommendations regarding MoCs... I wonder what happened with that =P), congratulations guys. Meanwhile, MSE medals for Brukhar and me were not awarded yet, but it seems like they will be awarded soon (at least according to the current topic in #airlock54).
Squadron: [Insert usual rant about hosting for our homepage here]
As I already mentioned above, we did really excellent job flying-wise this week. It is really pleasure to write MSE when you guys are so active and I am looking forward to it already =P Keep flying and dont forged that we still have Kappa Citation Hunt (http://www.ehtiecorps.org/competitions/details.asp?ID=2266) running.
Wing: Stele has started name sloganizer thing on the Wing II egroup, so stuff like Fill it to the rim with Ninj! or Happiness is Zethy-shaped! is now crawling all over the place =P while Sinners fight their glorious battle with Cyclone in the SSL finals.
Ship: Sovereign should have new homepage soon, provided that Stele will not play IL-2 too much =P
Fleet: Nope, I am not going to paste news from TC site just to make my report look longer :p (if you are really interested, go check http://www.ehtiecorps.org/news.asp)
MAJ Moagim Daar: Wrote WSR, flew TIETC70, 99, 107, 182, 193, 197, was active on IRC.
LT Thud Asphalt: No activity reported.
MAJ Algaron Xerves: Was awarded with ISM.
CPT Brukhar: Flew XvTC8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 110, 111, 118, 119, XvTCAB4, took BFM (100%) IWATS course, email contact and IRC activity.
CPT Ninj Prefect: Flew TIETC46, 107, 108, email contact and IRC activity.
CM Shimir Sheerelk: No activity reported.
LC Tempest: Was awarded with MoC-boc, was active on IRC, also it seems like he is developing his own TIEFREE mission =P
LT Fenris: On leave (technical problems).
LT Kaisin Mirtez: Flew XWATC7, 8, was awarded with PC, email contact.
Squadron orders: Participate in Kappa Citation Hunt, be active!
Squadron roster:
Nickname: Wyvern Flight
Motto: potius mori quam foedari (Death before Dishonour)
1) MAJ Moagim Daar
2) MAJ Algaron Xerves
3) LT Thud Asphalt
4) TBA
Nickname: Gryphon Flight
Motto: virtute et armis (By Valour and Arms)
1) CPT Brukhar
2) CPT Ninj Prefect
3) TBA
4) TBA
Nickname: Midgard Flight
Motto: mors ipsa nos refugit (Death itself flees us)
1) CM Shimir Sheerelk
2) LC Tempest
3) LT Fenris
4) LCM Kaisin Mirtez
That's about to be all for now. See you next week.
Respectfully submitted,
CMDR/MAJ Moagim Daar/Kappa/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign