"Queen Amidala" by Darren Robert Foster. February 2000. drf@gofree.indigo.ie (please note: create a new folder in your maps directory called amidala, extract the maps to this folder. The actual 3ds file must be opened like a scene rather than imported as per usual. Sorry about this.) You are free to use, and alter, this model in any non-commercial, non-profit work as long as you credit the original author. 1 - This model may not be redestributed in any from. It was specifically created for the SWMA site. 2 - Please notify me if you make any significant improvements. I am unhappy with certain apsects of the model myself, and would appreciate an update. 3 - If you wish, you may send me jpeg stills of any scenes you do with the model. I would enjoy seeing your work. However this is not required, and you may ignore it as you see fit. 4 - Animating this model is difficult, but not impossible. Character Studio, Hypermatter, and Clothreyes can all help. 5 - If you need to cut down on polygons, for memory problems, or when working with a complex scene, you may delete the upper arms, and the lower torso/legs since they are hidden beneath the dress. They are there for use when animating the model. 6 - I had difficulty trying to simulate fur, without the use of a plugin, such as Shagfur. If anyone knows a better technique I would like to hear from them. 7 - The material for the dress was difficult to recreate. I tried several different ideas but they all ended up looking like plastic, so I had to lose the shine, and stick to a matte finish. Thank you for reading this, and enjoy the model.