-Model: Arakyd ST1-E / Krupx MG5 / Dymek HM-6 CMP Concussion Missile -By: L.J. Boswell aka Flynn 'Fly' Taggart -Finished: April 23, 1999 -Created in AutoCAD 14, mainly created with 3D solids, and exported as 3DS, no textures were used for this model (because AutoCAD is not always nice about including them in the export) -Note: Make sure to check out the BMP for a schematic of the missile This object was modeled from: the SW game - "Tie Fighter" (the following was written by LJB for entertainment value only) Arakyd ST1-E / Krupx MG5 / Dymek HM6 CMP Concussion Missile Arakyd, Krupx, and Dymek are all producers of the CMP Concussion Missile that is used in star-fighters throughout the galaxy. Unlike a standard concussion missile (see the Arakyd ST2 for reference), which were mainly developed for atmospheric deployment, this smaller version is mainly intended to be used against star-fighters and smaller space craft. Do to its smaller size the CMP Concussion Missile can be fired from almost any star-fighter, usualy through some type of launch system built into the craft, however, the missile can be modified to fire from external racks. Because most star-fighters are both agile and delicate craft the CMP features a high-yield warhead, with a blast radius of 30 BLS, instead of the armor-piercing type found on most standard concussion missiles. One benefit of the CMP over a standard concussion missile is that the larger thrust-to-mass ratio allows it to reach speeds up to 240 MGLT, however, a disadvantage of the CMP over a standard concussion missile is that it does not have near the same range.