-Model: Arakyd ST2 Concussion Missile -By: L.J. Boswell aka Flynn 'Fly' Taggart -Finished: April 22, 1999 -Created in AutoCAD 14, mainly created with 3D solids, and exported as 3DS, no textures were used for this model (because AutoCAD is not always nice about including them in the export) -Note: There is a blum/tail extending from the exhaust nozzle, this was just something I was playing with and decided to include (remove it if you like) This object was modeled from:SW- The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology "Arakyd ST2 Concussion Missile Concussion missiles are self-contained projectile weapons armed with explosive warheads. While designed for bombing attacks in an atmosphere- where the concussion blast can cause tremendous devastation- concussion missiles are also effective for outer space combat. The concussion missile's armored tube carries the warhead, a guidance computer, and a propellant system. Exterior shield projectors warp the missile in an energy shroud, giving it the appearance of an elongated laser cannon. Concussion missiles share many of the advantages of proton torpedoes but also have the same primary disadvantage: they are short-range weapons with an optimum range of three hundred meters and a maximum range of seven hundred meters. The missiles' homing sensors are outstandingly effective against stationary and slow-moving targets, making them ideal for planetary bombing runs and attacks on capital ships. In atmospheres, the concussion warhead's explosion generates sonic booms and ground tremors at close range, leveling walls, destroying equipment, and inflicting heavy casualties. The powerful ST2 concussion missile system is a favorite of independent ship owners, since it can be purchased for about 1,500 credits, compared to over 2,000 credits need to purchase a proton torpedo launcher. Concussion missiles are easier to maintain that proton torpedo launchers, although they end up being fairly expensive in the long run, since each missile costs 750 credits."