------------------------------------------------------------ The CooL Animaniacs 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------ author: Maciek Skawiński e-mail: maska@zt.szczecin.tpsa.pl website: http://www.szczecin.tpsa.pl/coolanimaniacs/index.htm tools: LW Modeler ------------------------------------------------------------ DataPad: Neuro-Saav XXt-26 S-Thread Tracker Military tracking device. This device is very popular amongst the bounty hunters. Device like this hidden by IG88 found on board his ship Boba Fett when he was en route to Tatooine. Same device was used by Imperial's to track down Tantive IV with princess Leia on board. ------------------------------------------------------------- Reference: The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology ------------------------------------------------------------- This object is free to use but not for profit All rights reserved for LucasFilm 7 LucasArts ;)