Mesh by Arild Wiro The AT-ST was modeled in around 160 hours on a PII/350 and 128MB SDRAM. I used different models for reference of proportions and pictures of the actual AT-ST resin models and live size AT-ST from "Return of the Jedi" for accurate detailing. It should be a very accurate model (tell me if it's not!) as I included everything I could recognise on my reference pics. The modeling was done in Rhino-Beta and then converted to 3DS manually piece by piece to keep the face number as low as possible. This could unfortunatly not always be accomplished and I know that some objects might have been made of even less faces (guns and the front engine detailing, the foot, etc.). Please contact me to let me know what you think about my mesh or if there are any flaws/misaligned faces and so on.