*************** * BLACK ICE * *************** R E L E A S E 1 . 0 22nd, June 1997 Release 1.0 of the Imperial Very Large Cargo Carrier (VLCC) Black Ice includes basic maps for the hull and tail fins. The Black Ice described and illustrated in the scenario "Black Ice" for Star Wars The Roleplaying Game by West End Games. VERY IMPORTANT This mesh contains elements from the SWMA mesh "Death Star Docking Bay" by Doctor Harry H. Chang. In addition the Arial array on each command capsule is the SWMA mesh "Shield Generator on Endor" by Scott Claudio. Thanks guys....you saved me a lot of work. ********************* * ABOUT BLACK ICE * ********************* Black Ice is an Imperial cargo train, designed and built by the builders of the Victory Star Destroyer. At full size, with all force containers active, the Ice is 7,800 metres long, with a weight of 1,210,000,000 metric tons. Most of the Ice is cargo space. The nine black balls, 600 metres in diameter, are force fields, each contained between field projectors. The balls are filled with refined fuel for power cells - 110,000,000 metric tons in each one. A large conduit runs down the center of each hold, carrying power from the engine units to the force fields and connecting the engine units with each other. Balls can be added (up to a maximum of nine) or removed to change the size of the train. The two engine pods are huge, dwarfing even the engines on Star Destroyers and rivalling those on the Death Star. The fore and aft engine pods are identical (as the ship moves in either direction with ease, the terms fore and aft change from trip to trip, depending on which way the vessel is moving). The crew spends most of their time in the command capsules that sit atop the engine pods. These are 330 metres in length and 75 metres wide, about the size of a frigate. The entire ship is controlled from these capsules, and the crew is rarely required to enter the engine pods, and they almost never visit the cargo balls. Despite its huge size, Black Ice virtually runs itself, requiring a standard crew of only 200 - 100 in each capsule. ************ * Mesh Files * ************ The following is a list of the original and unaltered files DIRECT from the author: 3D Studio Version BLACKICE.ZIP BLACKICE.3DS Cargo Ship Mesh HULLMAP.BMP Hull MAP for Ship HULLSPEC.BMP Specular MAP for SHIP BLACKICE.TXT This file --------------------------------------------------------------------- Following are the various ways of contacting the author: Internet e-mail: Mateen@Cityscape.co.uk World Wide Web HomePage: http://www.cityscape.co.uk/users/au39 ===================================================================== THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART!!! READ IT CAREFULLY. ===================================================================== These models are being distributed as FREEWARE, meaning I hold the "copyright" to my work, but am allowing you to use it without charge as long as copyright CREDIT to Foundation Imaging, Warner Bros., and the author is noted in productions/animation's using this data set. Not one part of this data set has originated nor has been obtained in any form, direct or indirect, in part or in whole, from Babylonian Productions, Inc, Foundation Imaging, Inc., or Warner Bros. They are the exclusive copyright holders to their original data sets and do not claim authorship to this independent work of the author. USE OF THIS DATA SET CONSTITUTES THAT THE USER AGREES THAT USER CANNOT LEGALLY CLAIM NOR IMPLY THAT SAID DATA SET REPRESENTS IN ANY FORM THE ABOVE NAMED ENTITIES AND MUST NOT USE DATA SET TO INFRINGE DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY UPON THE RIGHTS OF THE ABOVE NAMED ENTITIES NOR USE DATA SET FOR COMMERCIAL OR FOR-PROFIT PURPOSES. Creation of this data set was strictly for personal, self-educational purposes and is NOT intended to infringe upon any original material or concept copyright held by the above named entities. This document MUST accompany the distribution of this data set. This archive MUST remain UNALTERED during distribution. Mateen Greenway