Author: Maciek Skawinski CooL Animaniacs Uploader: Maciek Skawinski Type: SWMA Object: Victory-class Star Destroyer - Concept Design e-mail: or I make this object in Imagine v3.0 (from Star Wars Sourcebook this is Concept Sketch of the Victory SD) Old Repulic Ship Designet by Republic engineer Walex Blissex, the Victory-class SD were commissioned into service at the tail end Clone Wars.(maybe we see it in SW prequels):-) Now largely replaced by bigger and faster Imperial-class Star Destroyers. Craft: Rendii StarDrive's Victory I Type: Star Destroyer Size: 900m Crew: 5,200 (610 officers, 4,590 enlisted) Troops: 2040 Cargo Capacity: 8,100 metric tons P.S. This large guns(?) mounted on sides of the bridge, this maybe a tractor beams pak projector.