3-DVO ----- Made by Norman Malessa The Annihilator Light@Work norman.malessa@cityweb.de http://normansrevenge.virtualave.net http://3rddimension.virtualave.net The .3ds-file ------------- I hope this model is looking good enough to be presented on the www.swma.net. If not e-mail me and ill try to make it better. I haven't used any textures, so that the every one can colourize him as he wants. I think thats enough. Something about 3-DVO --------------------- 3-DVO is a Report-Droid who works for Prepredenko, the king of Jazbina. He was the Droid who filmed Luke's fight with a Tikulini, but 3-DVO was programmed by Prepredenko to stun Luke, to give him to Darth Vader. But 3-DVO himself lay about the plans of Darth Vader and so Prepredenko was thrown into prison and 3-DVO was destroyed by a stormtrooper. -if the english is bad, don't pay attention on it, im just a german pupil. norman malessa