"Tusken raider" by Darren Robert Foster. March 2000. drf@gofree.indigo.ie Dump the maps into your maps folder, then import the 3ds. If your reading this then Jose has probably converted the model to 3ds, so thanks for that Jose. You are free to use, and alter, this model in any non-commercial, non-profit work as long as you credit the original author. 1 - This model may not be redestributed in any form. It was specifically created for the SWMA site. 2 - Please notify me if you make any significant improvements. I am unhappy with certain apsects of the model myself, and would appreciate an update. 3 - If you wish, you may send me jpeg stills of any scenes you do with the model. I would enjoy seeing your work. However this is not required, and you may ignore it as you see fit. 4 - Animating this model is difficult, but not impossible. Character Studio, Hypermatter, and Clothreyes can all help. 5 - If you need to cut down on polygons, for memory problems, or when working with a complex scene, you may delete the lower torso/legs/boots since they are hidden beneath the tunic. They are there for use when animating. Thank you for reading this, and enjoy the model.