Now if I only knew what it was... = | Hummm??? OH YEAH!!! NOW I REMEMBER!!! (as the old dim lightbulb kicks on) ;) Its the Corporate Sector Authority Logo. I found it in the at the following link: . It looked cool enough and I know I have never found it in the other or general area of SWMA's site. SO! I just spent the last 3 hours of this early morning or late night. Flip a coin, both are accurate discriptions of the time... Be kind I it is my first model to be submitted. I have several others in the pipeline and I have learned a lot but I still don't know enough. If you have suggestion for improvement, I am listening. You can contact me at my email address below. There are now textures created for this model. Feel free to do so. I created this model from the original gif (submitted by David Henry) in AutoCAD 2000. I have years of drafting experience and now have discovered the third dimension... =) I will animate it later. I am still learning to use MAX r3.1. I have only tinkered with the animation capabilities, so it may be a while. If you have the know how and you beat me to this menial task, then MPTY (More Power To You). =) Files included: Original GIF (submitted by David Henry): CSA.gif My 3DS file: CSA.3ds My rendered Drawing: CSA2.jpg This text: CSA.txt This model and all others relating to SW are copywright Lucasfilm LTD. and are intended for private use only. This model is not to be distributed at any cost to anyone over the internet or otherwise. Failure to follow this will result in legal action from the aforementioned Lucasfilm LTD. This model is distrbuted with the expressed requirment that this readme file accompany the file at all times. If you wish to user this model in a project of non-profit means, then please contact the creator of this SW model and ask permission to do so, thank you. If you make any changes I would be interested in them... send me a copy at: . So for now MTFBWY!