Model by Arild Wiro 1998 This Model was finished in about 280h on a PII/350 and 128MB SDRAM. I used Rhino3d (beta) for the modelling. Because Rhino is a NURBS based modeler, I had to convert every single part seperatly to polygons to keep the face numbers as low as possible. Unfortunatly this could not always be achieved without distortions and so certain parts have more faces than needed. I'll work with that in a later version. I used a stripped-down model of Boba Fett by Matt Walton for the cockpit. I have not included any textures as this would blow up the filesize to more than triple. There is quite a high level of detailing on the hull, wings and underside of the craft but I cannot guarantee a 100% accuracy of proportion as I only had pictures as reference and no real life model. I used very good pictures of the original model out of the book "the Star Wars Chronicles" by Deborah Fine and Aeon Inc. (ISBN 3-8025-2541-8). This book also includes excellent pictures of other Star Wars models. This model has the wings folded in in-flight position. If you want the wings in the land-position it will not suffice to rotate them 90ø along the main axis. The mechanism is more complex and requires the double pneumatics on each wing to stretch and rotate slightly. If you have any problems with this motion, please mail me and I'll send a model with the wings in the land-position. Please mail me about misaligned faces, flaws and other ugly stuff at Arild Wiro