Maciek Skawinski The CooL Animaniacs 1999 ----------------------------------------- Donell's Transport Ship Kuat Drive Yards Super Transport XI Large container ship. The transport ship used by Lieutenant Lon Donell is a converted container ship. What was once its masive cargo bay is now huge hangar bay capable of holding the equivalent of up to three Corellian Corvettes, plus several smaller ships such as stock light freighters and starfighters. While extremely slow, the transport ship needs only to travel between ambush sight and Barpine Shipyards. Aboard the transport ship are 200 Imperial troops, in addition to its crew of 100. Size: 840 meters Crew: 100 Cargo capacity: 10 milion cubic meters Weapons: 20 quad laser cannons (fire separately) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- base is: "Wanted by Cracken" from West End Games Textures include. MaSka All Rights Reserved for LucasArts and West End Games