Yuuzhan Vong Yorik Coral Skipper This model is based on the description found in Vector Prime and Dark Tide : Onslaught, and I used too my own sense of aesthetic (which is, sometimes, as weird as the Yuuzhan's one ;-)). The little glowing sphere is a molten rock missile or a plasma shot (it depends...). For the Coral texture I used the following parameters : Hull : Diffuse map => Cellular Cell color (RGB) : 111 111 111 Division 1(RGB) : 200 192 178 " " 2 (RGB) : 175 136 136 Cell : Circular & Fractal Size : 20 Spread : 1,631 Iterations : 3,0 Bump Smooth : 0 Bump map => the same as Diffuse but with the colors : 255 255 255, 128 128 128 & 0 0 0 (in the same order as above) For the cockpit, I used the description of Vector Prime : some kind of mica (the mica can be a rock called 'biotite' in french, which is a reddish stone...) I put some Coral knobs on the hull but I'm not very satisfied by their appearance... If you have some ideas, send me your suggestions by e-mail : kell.tainer@wanadoo.fr May the Force be with you Kell TAINER Wraith 5