------------------------------------------------------------ The CooL Animaniacs 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------ author: Maciek Skawiński e-mail: maska@zt.szczecin.tpsa.pl website: http://www.szczecin.tpsa.pl/coolanimaniacs/index.htm tools: LW Modeler ------------------------------------------------------------ DataPad: Corellian Engineering Corporation Gunship (Mark 2) Mid-sized anti-starfighter starship. Lenght 120m Crew 35 Passangers 10 Cargo Capacity 300 metric tons ------------------------------ The Corellian Engeeniring Corporation has always been known for the versality of their designs. Most of their craft are easily adaptable to a variety of missions - combat, escort, transport, or freight hauling However, such is not the case with the Corellian Gunship. Unlike its close cousin, the Corellian Corvette, the Gunship is geared entirely for combat only. There is little room for storage, passangers or even troops aboard this ship. The Gunship is designed to be fast and carry tremendous firepower. The Gunship;s engines take up almost half of the ship's area; most of what left is weaponery and shielding. The gunners are the key to the gunship's success. If they work together and utilize the vessel's tremendous weapons to their utmost capabilities, they can surrond the ship with a nearly impenetrable barrier of laser fire, doing real damage to any starfighter squadrons who dare attack. However, each of the Gunship's batteries is manually operated and cannot be controlled from the bridge. Coordination of fire is difficult fo0r untrained crews, all but impossible to master. For its size and speed, there is no better abtistarfighter platform than the Corellian Gunship. ------------------------------------------------------------- Reference: SW Rebel Alliance Sourcebook PC Game Rebellion few pictures from other sources ------------------------------------------------------------- look for Corellian Gunship (Mark 1) soon ------------------------------------------------------------- This object is free to use but not for profit enjoy it ;) All rights reserved for LucasFilm 7 LucasArts ;) No textures? I'm working on them - soon I think :)