Leia in Slave Garments ---------------------- from "Return of the Jedi" modeled by: Teague Schultz e-mail: Schultz_D@popmail.firn.edu mesh file: LEIA.3DS textures: none Leia, Lando, Chewie, and Luke all went on various missions to support the Alliance and find information that would help them mount their rescue of Han. Each of the core Alliance heroes was to infiltrate Jabba the Hutt's desert palace on Tatooine. Leia gained entrance while masquerading as the Ubese bounty hunter Boushh, who was bringing Chewbacca the Wookie to Jabba for the reward. Leia did free Han from his carbonite prison, but her identity was discovered and she had to endure the humiliation of being Jabba's slave for a time. She got revenge for these indignities during Luke's escape, strangling the slug-like crime lord with the very chain that held her captive. Modeler's Note: I didn't want to ruin Leia by putting seams in Leia's body so if you want to animate her you'll hafta do it your self or if you have 3dsMax with the plug-in "Character Studio" then that would probably be the best way to go. I tried my best with the details but I didn't have enough pictures and I would have mapped Carrie Fisher's face on the model but I didn't have an image that was good enough. Look out for a Duro, the Cantina Bith Band, and the rest of Max Rebo's band... hopefully.