This is a Hoth Rebel Soldier which I started building while bored one night. I was looking around my desk for something challenging and different to build and came across a Kenner action figure that a good friend gave to me. It seemed a viable project, so a few hours later I had already completed the head, torso, and arms. Pleased with the results, I spent a few hours finishing it up over the following week. Unfortunately, it's not to the detail that I had set out to accomplish, for a couple of reasons. First, I do not have a lot of spare time and really wanted to finish the model. Secondly, the animation that I decided to make, did not require a high level of detail. The difference in detail is extremely apparent when comparing the upper body and legs of the model. Perhaps in the future I will refine the model to a better quality. About myself: I live in Valencia, California near LA and work at Four Media Company (4MC) in the DVD graphics department. I started off using Truespace 2 until around six months ago when I had the great opportunity to get a copy of Lightwave. About the model: Used the resent Kenner Hoth Rebel Soldier action figure for reference. It is always easier to model with the actual object in hand, but in this case the object is not a true representation of the real thing. Due to this fact, the model may not be totally true in dimension, color, or detail. Most of the body has textures, the remaining will be submitted later if I have the time to complete them. When modeling, I always try to keep a low polygon count and use as few textures as possible. This is a fine line, do you sacrifice detail for speed? A few tricks that I've found are to re-use textures. If planned right, a single texture can be used many times in many ways on the same model. This not only reduces file size, but the rendering program will have fewer images to load and in-turn render faster. Stay clear of tripling polygons if possible. Tripling increases render time significantly and really only needs to be used in trouble areas and sections which will be morphed or bent during animation. Original Platform : Lightwave 5.5 Converter : NuGraf Rendering System Reference : Kenner action figure Texture Software : Photoshop 4.0 Modeling Time : apx. 12hrs. Tom Sehenuk