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How to create Realistic Lasers in 3DSMAX 3.x
by TZ

Step 1.
Create a long, thin cylinder in any viewport.

Step 2.
Right click on the cylinder and open it's "Properties". Here, add the Blur: Image muliplier 3. Then in the Object Channel, put a number that you'll use for the glow.

Step 3.
Go into the material editor and give the laser these settings: Self Illumination set to the color of the laser. Maybe a light green for TIE lasers and a light orange for X Wing lasers.

Step 4.
Go into the Video Post in the Render menu. Add a scene event like the Perspective. Then add a video post filter: Lens FX Glow. In the SETUP of the lens effects glow, add the number of the object channel you are using in the Object ID bar. In this case, it's 1. Then click PREVIEW and VP Queue to see what it will look like. Then just change your settings to what you like. I usually use SIZE: 10 INTENSITY: 80 % USER: green Then just click OK and render your scene. It's that easy.
Here's what it should look like:

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