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Rotating Objects in bCAD
by Andrew Keller

For this tutorial we will use the A-Wing model created by Jose Gonzalez, downloadable here. Start by starting up bCAD and opening the A-Wing model.  When starting a scene in bCAD I usually delete all lights and cameras so I can make my own that are customized to my scene.  You can do this by pressing the delete button on your keyboard and clicking on the object you wish to delete.  Zoom in on the A-Wing using the Zoom Custom option (F11).  Choose a Scale to fit your needs (for this tutorial we will use a Scale of 16).  Press OK and center the A-Wing in your window by dragging it into the center.

The simple rotation of an object in bCAD is not a hard task to master, but getting the details down is.  We will begin by selecting the objects we wish to rotate, in the case the entire A-Wing.  Press the Select button (a picture of an arrow pointing to the upper-right hand corner of the button), and choose the second Location option.  Hit OK and select the A-Wing.  Once the A-Wing is selected, it can be rotated.  Go to the Tools menu, and then the Transformations submenu and choose Rotate.  A crosshairs will appear on your screen.  Click the point on the A-Wing that you wish to be the center of rotation (in this case the very center), and then click on another place on the screen and rotate the craft to the point which you desire.   Once this is done, hit the right mouse button to cancel the rotate request.   Your ship should now be rotated in the front view.

To do anything but roll the ship, we will have to go to a different view.   To accomplish this, press the User Defined Views button (F9), and select <<Top>>.  Hit OK.  You can now see a top view of the A-Wing.   Go to the Tools menu and then the Transformations submenu and once more select the Rotate option.  Choose a center of rotation, and then click another point on the screen and rotate the ship.  You can then go back to the front view to see the results of your rotation.  To rotate the ship in other ways, use the User Defined Views button (F9) to do the same thing as described above.

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