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Rendering Crashes in trueSpace
by Nicholas Paufler aka Swamp-Fox

PROBLEM: trueSpace crashes when I try and render a scene!
SOLUTION: There are several possibilities.
1. You don't have enough RAM. 16 megabytes is the bare minimum, 32 megs is what I would consider the smallest amount required to get adequate performance. 64 megs would be the ideal amount.
2. This happens a lot when you have textures models in more than one directory.
i.e. on my computer, i have my meshes sorted like so:

The X-Wing most often causes this problem, and if you notice that it always crashes when it starts to render the X-Wing, this is your solution. trueSpace sometimes has difficulty remembering where exactly the texture and model were, and consequently crashes. If you have your models sorted as I do, and it is reading models from multiple directories and then rendering to another, there is the possiblity it will crash. Even if you put recursive texture search on, it still seems to forget where pieces are. To solve this problem, just copy all meshes and textures you will be using to one directory. i.e. C:\MESHES\WORK. Save your .SCN file to this directory, put all the models and textures in this directory, and then finally render your file to this directory. If you do it like this you should not have any problems.

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