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kappa news




3rd Dec.

- Amadeo finally gets a chance to update this page. Sorry about the wait...

- LT Jan Wemmel moves to the TC Reserves due to RL pressure

- CM Wlodek, a previous commander leaves for Pi squadron. We wish both pilots well!

- Deadline for TC 120 (created by CM Wlodek) is dec 15th this gives you all just under 2 weeks! The battle may be hard, but kappa are the best! So prove it.

17th Oct.

- Fly EHB 115!

- LT Amadeo awarded the Palpatine Crescent!

6th Oct.

New Page completed! Hope you like it!

4th Oct

From Kappa, LT Deacan, LT Amadeo, CM Hawkins and LCM Bushmaster have volunteered for the Wing I vs Wing II comp. That's a quarter of the whole wing's comp squad coming from kappa!

CM Wlodek is this week's squadron Ace.


2nd Oct.

Kappa Squdron welcomes back CPT Shador to flight 3. Captain Shador is a previous commander of the squadron, and it will be a tremendous asset to have him here with us.

1st Oct

SL Vengeance and SL Deacan both promoted to LT! Well deserved by both members!

[ Page ] created and maintained by [ Amadeo ] // Kappa Squadron Commander is [ CM Hawkins ]