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 Site update

I'm sorry for neglecting this site so much in the past few weeks, but I had pretty much RL stuff to do. So I did a rather large update today with adding all the news since June and updating the roster, files and links sections.   (07-30-02)

 Tempest receives IS-GR and IS-BR

I got an Iron Star - Gold Ribbon for winning the Web Page division of the Sovereign Recruitment Competition, and an Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon for the third place in the active recruitment division of that comp.   (07-17-02)

 Shimir Sheerelk receives IS-BR

LT Shimir Sheerelk is awarded the Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon for winning the Fiction Board's Monthly Fiction competition. Nice work! :)   (07-16-02)

 Pilot website

LT Shimir Sheerelk created a nice website. Visit it at http://www.expage.com/tiecorps/. I also added it to the links section. Nice work, Shimir!   (07-11-02)

 Grinning Donkey KAPS winner, medal rain for Flight 3

LT Grinning Donkey diplayed the highest activity during the month of June and is therefore the KAPS winner. For their exceptional high activity, both him and LT Shimir Sheerelk are awarded an Imperial Security Medal. Congratulations! I got an IS-BW for top-scoring in the competition against Hammer.   (07-03-02)

 Tempest receives IS-BW

I got an Iron Star - Bronze Wings for top-scoring for Kappa in our competition against the Praetorians.   (06-26-02)

 Promotion - again ;-)

Grinning Donkey fortunately didn't lose his motivation over that HCI case and continued flying. As a reward, he is now Lieutenant again.   (06-21-02)

 HCI verdict and demotion

Grinning Donkey was demoted to the rank of Sub-Lieutenant because he was found guilty of file-tampering by the HCI.   (06-16-02)


After having flown some battles, Grinning Donkey spent only one day as SL and is now already Lieutenant. Congratulations!   (06-04-02)

 Promotion, new member

For having flown the battle for our wing competition, SL Shimir Sheerelk has been promoted to Lieutenant! Congratulations, Shimir. We also have a new pilot, making our flight full. Welcome to SL Grinning Donkey!   (06-03-02)

 New member!

Welcome to SL Shimir Sheerelk, who joins Kappa and Flight 3 from the Daedalus. Nice to have you on board!   (05-31-02)

 And another medal...:)

I got a Bronze Star for work with the RO. Beers are on me again. :P   (05-25-02)

 Tempest receives MoI

For assisting a cadet with his training, I was awarded a Medal of Instruction. Go me! :)
Unfortunately, the cadet joined Tempest squadron. I'm going to take that as credit. :P

 Ninj leaves for Slayer Squadron

Flight 3 membership drops once again to 2 as CM Ninja was appointed the new CMDR of Slayer Squadron. Congratulations Ninj!   (05-14-02)

 New old member

I'm very happy to welcome another Kappa veteran back to our glorious squadron, and I'm even happier to welcome him to Flight III. After some time in Psi, Dash Riprock returned! Beers are on me! :)   (04-14-02)

 KAPS competition for march ended

In the month of March, CM Ninja assembled most KAPS points and is therefore this month's winner, followed by myself. Does Flight 3 rock or what? :P   (04-02-02)


After being flight leader of Flight 3 for three months, I've been promoted to full Commander . Thanks Algy. :)   (03-17-02)

 New Kappa CMDR appointed

After our rather long CMDR-less time, caused by Roasty's big RL troubles, a new Kappa CMDR has been appointed today. Congratulations to CPT Algaron!   (02-17-02)

 Hermann transfers to Praetorian Squadron

When working on the roster page today, I noticed that Hermann's transfer to the elite Praetorian Squadron was silently and without further notice completed. Good luck and much success with the Praetorians, Hermann! Show them how a Kappan flies!   (02-14-02)

 Flight 3 site is up!

Yay, it's ready! I think it looks quite cool, please let me know what you think...OK,the disadvantage is that I couldn't resist my liking for graphical design, so it might look not so good with lower resolutions. Thanks to Dash for giving some helpful tips!   (02-13-02)