As you know, the TIE Corps is full of lamers who prefer blowing up tons of stuff in an uber-craft to an honest, old-fashioned dogfight. We want to work against that trend.
We are COMPOST - the Commision For The Preservation Of Shieldless TIEs.

Here is a complete list of members as of 2019-12-27:

Member ID Name LOTT Score Join Date
001 Tempest 290,499
002 Daniel Bonini 267,916 11/2011
003 Zósite Kónstyte Styles 303,827 04/2012
004 Anahorn Dempsey 37,815 03/2014, updated 01/2020
005 Michael Emrys 33,854 03/2014
006 Pickled Yoda 4,448 03/2014
007 Elwood the Brave 3,648 06/2014
008 Plif 84,711 06/2014, updated 01/2020
009 Kyle Kroan 24,603 06/2014
010 Gyssler 3,645 05/2018
011 Hav Antiel 1,294 05/2018
012 Pete Mitchell 4,543 05/2018
013 Jarek La'an 4,490 05/2018
014 Aldaric 198,135 05/2018
015 Rando 227,230 01/2020
016 SL8c8 140,303 01/2020
017 Doyon 51,329 01/2020
018 Marek Ny`Irfa 246,534 07/2021
019 Phalk Sturm 7,496 07/2021
020 Hermann 2,574 07/2021
021 Dougal Ceallaigh 8,674 07/2021

How to join the ranks of these exceptionally fine officers and prove yourself a truly expert TIE pilot?
Glad you asked.
From time to time, COMPOST will run a flying competition that will test your abilities in the classic, unshielded TIE models - Fighter, Interceptor and Bomber. It is one of the toughest challenges you will ever take - if you are deemed worthy to get invited at all. It is specially designed to separate the wheat from the chaff. It will either elevate you to the status of a true TIE hero or reduce you to a whimpering mess of failure - or a cold body drifting in space:

Lord of the TIEs.

Lord of the TIEs battle selection
Do you have what it takes?

Administrative note:
Successful completion of Lord of the TIEs instantly makes you a Platinum Member of COMPOST. However, since COMPOST is not recognized as an official organization within the EH or TIE Corps, TAC will not notify us if you successfully complete the challenge. So in order to be issued your well-deserved membership card, please also send your TFR to
Existing COMPOST members can also resubmit TFRs in case they want to improve their score. Actually, COMPOST recommends all of its members to re-fly Lord of the TIEs frequently to keep their skills sharp.

Note on inactivity:
Since I'm not an active member of the TIE Corps anymore, it pains me to say that I haven't updated this page frequently, and the latest four new additions to our noble club have received their well-deserved Platinum Membership Cards with half a year of delay. I am very sorry for that, but please keep the applications coming.
I can't promise speedy process, but COMPOST will live on as long as the battle against lame shielded fighter craft is not won! :)