Image Gallery

This is a showcase of graphics I made for the Emperor's Hammer, in chronological order.

Kappa Squadron Banner
Dec 2000

I made this Kappa Squadron Banner right after I joined the squadron in December 2000.
Banners for the Kappa Ship Encyclopedia and the Kappa Cadet Guide
Jan 2001

Algaron Xerves, then webmaster of Kappa's homepage, asked me to make these banners for the ship encyclopedia and the cadet guide he planned.
Kappa Squadron Uniform Patch
Feb 2001

This squadron patch was used by Kappa pilots until 2002, when a new patch was introduced along with the new uniform system.
EH Logo Contest, First Entry
Mar 2001

When Lucasfilm lawyers told GA Ronin that he was not allowed to offer EH T-Shirts on his cafepress store because they had the imperial logo on them, he ran a competition for a new official EH logo, without any copyright infringements. This was my first entry. It got rejected because it still has too much resemblance to the imperial logo and because it doesn't feature the club's URL.
EH Logo Contest, First Entry, Simplified
Mar 2001

A simplified version of the first EH logo draft, without the Text and the Hammer, but even more resemblance to the original Imperial Logo. For this very reason it wasn't a valid entry for the contest, but for non-commercial use I actually like this a lot better than the winning design. I still think that the way I integrated the E and H into the original emblem was quite clever. :)
Unfortunately this never saw much (or any) use in the EH.
EH Logo Contest, Second Entry
Mar 2001

This was my second attempt at designing the new EH logo, and it won the competition, as you will know. In February of 2004, I made an improved version of it.
My Dress Uniform
Apr 2001

This is the last uniform I made before the new system by Khaine was introduced.
Banner for SolSys Yards
Apr 2001

"SolSys Yards" (SSY) was a CD corporation, led by Reb Crush, that tried to make a new SW game. Like most of these highly ambitious fan projects, it did not get very far because it is hard to keep the motivation up while facing such a huge task. I was in charge of graphics in SSY. Here's a banner I made for the corp's homepage. You can learn more about the project in the upcoming "Solaris Project" section.
EH Recruitment Poster
Apr 2001

A recruitment poster I made for the Recon Office, more specifically RO Keiran Idanian. In hindsight I don't think this looks interesting enough to make anyone write a mail to Keiran's AOL addy. :P
Banner for the EH Message Boards
Jul 2001

I made this image for an MB banner design competition ran by FO AbsoluteK. It was used on the MB for several months afterwards.
Logo and Banner for the Corporate Division
Aug 2001

I made these Corporate Division banners by request of PREX QuaKe Harlander II (aka Kweeky). I don't think the CD ever used them, though. I can see why. I didn't have any great design ideas for this one, so this may be the ugliest stuff I ever slapped together. :P
Splash Banner for the Imperial Survey Corps
Oct 2001

This logo is from my time in the Imperial Survey Corps, a group formed by RO Keiran Idanian to find other gaming clubs for the EH to cooperate with. I made second place with this entry. Frankly I'm still outraged. There even was an animated version, for crying out loud! :P
Banner for the Office of the Fleet Commander
Dec 2001

I made this on request of GA Ronin, as a new link banner to his site. It has been in use as that for a while, but that was long ago. I don't think the FC even has a site these days. I still think that's a pretty badass office, though. :P
Link Banner for Kappa's Hall Of Fame
Mar 2002

The Kappa Hall of Fame was an invention of CMDR Algaron Xerves to honour legendary members of Kappa squadron.
Kappa Squadron Banner
Jul 2002

Yet another Kappa banner, this one from the time when we first switched to the "dragon" theme that the squad uses to this day.
Kappa Squadron Uniform Patch
Oct 2002

The new uniform patch for the Khaine uniform system, following the new Dragon theme.
Kappa Squadron Banner
Nov 2002

And the matching link banner...
Corporate Division "Project Homestead"
Oct 2002

"Project Homestead" shows the Corporate Division headquarters (on Aurora, if memory serves). The smaller towers are representing the corporations. The top left corner shows the final logo of the CD, which is indeed much nicer than my own attempt. (And yeah, 1024x768 was a pretty badass image resolution back then... :P)
The EH Medal Case
Nov 2002

I think it was Mell who originally came up with the idea of a medal case, and OPS Howlader who told me to make one. :)
I never got to making an updated one with the 3D medals, that would probably look pretty sharp. Maybe some day...
TIE Corps Splash Banner
Jan 2003

After winning a TC banner design competition ran by FO Priyum Patel, this banner was used on the TC page until the database crash in early 2004.
Wing II RPG Competition Plaques
Jan 2003

These plaques were made as an award for the winners of the Wing II RPG, a competition ran by WC Stele Pellaeon.
TIE Pilot Helmet
Feb 2003

When OPS Khaine asked me to make a pilot's helmet, he had a kind of "fourth uniform" in mind which people could customize as freely as they wanted (as a kind of compensation for the rather strict new rules on uniform customization). As it turned out to be impossible to repaint (for average Joe without a 3D modeling program), the idea had to be dropped. It returned however, for the new 3D uniform system where the (reworked and improved) helmet replaced the flight suit as third uniform type.
Wing II site layout
Apr 2003

I made this "skin" for the Wing II site when it changed to SquadFirst and I wanted to make it look more individual.
A Hero's Flag
Aug 2003

The "Hero's Flag" competition was run by CA:LO Daniel Stephens when he planned to build a kind of "fallen heroes memorandum" for the EH. I won the comp, but I don't think the site was ever made.
Logo of the Emperor's Hammer
Feb 2004

An improved version of the EH logo, as the original one was rather dull.
My Uniform
Dec 2005

The last uniform I made with the Khaine system.
New FCHG Wings design (Wireframe)
Late 2004

One of the very first things I designed when I started working on a new uniform system was an FCHG badge that included the old (pre-2001) pilot wings design. I always liked them better than the ones which got introduced with the Khaine system. I can't remember exactly when I first started working on this, as I went back to the design several times.
Merit Medals of the Emperor's Hammer
Feb 2004 / Aug 2007

I think these are the oldest parts of the new uniform design. I started making 3D models of our medals for fun before the insane thought of a new, fully 3D-ish uniform system even occured to me. These renderings were made in POV-Ray in August 2007, but most of the geometry dates back to 2004.
Early draft for the new uniform system
Jun 2005

Looking back to that now, it looks pretty crap. Instead of modifying an existing freeware jacket model (as I did on the final design), I made this jacket from scratch - and found out that it is surprisingly easy to mess up the proportions. Textures are pretty basic, too, and medals are displayed as ribbons only. However, the main reason why this design was rejected back in 2005 was the position system.
The picture shows the uniform of then OPS Pickled Yoda.
Draft for a position system
Jun 2005

My original idea for displaying positions was putting 3D versions of the traditional position badges on the shoulder boards. This idea didn't survive for two reasons; one was that they couldn't really be seen that well on a rendering of the full uniform; the other was that GA Astatine wanted to move away from the old position indication system.
Duty uniform
May 2006

First full rendering of a duty uniform. It was later decided that only dress uniforms are black while all duty uniforms are grey-green.
Test rendering of a dress uniform
May 2006

For this test-rendering, I threw about everything on one uniform that I had finished at that point - which is why it shows a flag rank with squadron patch and wing insignia. So it's not anyone's dress uniform but just a test how all the parts work together. This early version has the MoH and OoR still on the left breast. Moving them to the other side to increase their visibility and prominence was one of the latest design changes.
Customized helmet
Aug 2007

Having a freely customizable helmet is an idea that dates back to Khaine (see the earlier helmet version on this page). But since 2D painting on a 3D rendered image just doesn't work, the idea never really caught on. Now with the POV-Ray approach, it's actually not hard to do with some texture editing and maybe some scripting, but still very few people do it.
My uniform 2007
Dec 2007

As you can see from the markings, this is from the time of the first major TC restructuring of 2007/2008 when Kappa Squadron was moved from Wing II to newly opened Wing IV.
Golden Tug and Pink Lollypop
Feb 2007

Made for the Golden Tug Awards 2006.
May 2008

Just a fun pic I thought of while working on a TIE battle. Who needs shields anyway? :P