
"Impact!" is the first mission I made for TIE Fighter. As it uses some engine glitches and required very careful scripting, also because I only worked on it when I was in the mood, and last but not least because I wanted it to work flawlessly on all versions of TIE Fighter, it took me several months to make it. I am still proud of it because I wanted to do some things in this good old game that had not been done before, and I think I succeeded. Still, I guess if you like it or not will mostly depend on if "gimmicky" missions are your cup of tea.

"Impact!" has been released into the EH Mission Compendium as TIE-FREE 263 in June 2006.
You can get it from there.


If you want to give it a try, I hope you'll have fun playing it. Please also write a review on the compendium to let me and other players know what you think of it.

Be warned, though, that "Impact!" is a puzzle mission which makes use of some oddities of the TIE engine. I'm sure veterans will not have any trouble finding out what they are supposed to do to beat the mission. If you can't make any sense of it though, you can switch down to easy difficulty where the trickiest part is not included. However, you'd also miss a good deal of the fun (not even to mention score *g*). So, to help those who can't figure out what they are supposed to do with the "invulnerable" homing beacon, I have made some short video clips showing the deciding phase of the mission - the torpedo countdown.

Please, don't watch these video clips if you haven't tried to beat the mission on your own yet. SPOILERS!