Operations Manual of the Emperor's Hammer
Operations Manual Contents

Proceedures & Regulations
Award Recommendation & Approval
Award Authority Requirements
Design Submission & Approval
Identification Lines

Awards & Decorations
Medals of the Emperor's Hammer
Unit Citations & Miscellaneous
Medal & Award Abbrevitions

Uniform Regulations
General Uniform Regulations
TIE Pilot Flightsuit
Standard Duty Uniform
Full Dress Uniform
Award Recommendation and Approval - Recommending awards is a relatively simple task, with the awarder filling out the requisite fields under the 'Administration' section of the Tiecorps Database. Note that what can be recommended is dependant on the position of the awarder, details of which can be found in the Training Manual and here in the Operations Manual under 'award authority requirements'. The awarder must give a reason for recommending the particular award, failure to do so will result in the recommendation being rejected out of hand. Please consult the Operations Manual for the criteria for each award, and please attempt to be specific when entering the reason, vague terms such as "exceptional service" can be misleading without an example of why or how the aforementioned service was exceptional.

Once the recommendation has been submitted, it will be processed by the Operations Office Staff, who will either approve or reject the recommendation. If it is approved, the award will be added to the recieving member's personnel profile. If the recommendation is rejected, the Operations Office staff will usually give notice as to why it was, and should you feel it is unsanctioned, please contact the Operations Officer via E-mail.

However, you should not expect an award for performing a task and then query the Operations Officer when it does not materialise. What you will be awarded with, if anything, is up to the officer for whom the task was performed. Also, demanding an award in payment for performing a task is considered to be highly insubordinate.

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