Operations Manual of the Emperor's Hammer
Operations Manual Contents

Proceedures & Regulations
Award Recommendation & Approval
Award Authority Requirements
Design Submission & Approval
Identification Lines

Awards & Decorations
Medals of the Emperor's Hammer
Unit Citations & Miscellaneous
Medal & Award Abbrevitions

Uniform Regulations
General Uniform Regulations
TIE Pilot Flightsuit
Standard Duty Uniform
Full Dress Uniform
General Uniform Regulations - Only the use of Operations Office approved and sanctioned items is permitted for constructing and displaying an Emperor's Hammer uniform of any of the three types, be it a Flightsuit, Duty Uniform or Full Dress. The approved components are located within the Operations Office Uniform Archive. Details of the proceedure to follow for submissions for new items or components are available under the 'Design Submission and Approval' section of this Manual.

Uploading to the Tiecorps Database - Uniform images uploaded to the Tiecorps database are to conform to the layot guidelines as detailed for each type of uniform in the 'Uniform Regulations' section of this manual and are to meet the following criteria.

- No more than 200 pixels wide
- No more than 50Kb in size
- In either GIF, JPEG or PNG format

The Operations Officer will review the uploaded uniform and should your uniform meet these criteria, conform to the regulations for that type, and not use unofficial items it will be approved. If it doesn't, expect it to be rejected.

Squadron Patches - Squadron patches are must adhere to the following regulations to be considered.

- The patch must be submitted to both the OPSA and CC'd to the Operations Officer to be considered for approval.
- Only Squadron Commanders may submit a patch on behalf of their Squadron.
- A non-compressed file format such as BMP should be used if possible. These should be zipped for submission.
- The patch should be no larger than 35 pixels wide by 45 pixels high for Full Dress and 70x75 for the Flightsuit.
- A 2 pixel border is preferred around the patch to separate it from the uniform.

Finally, the Squadron patch can only be placed on the uniform where dictated in the 'Uniform Regulations' section of this manual. Any questions should be directed to the Operations Officer or OPSA.
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