Operations Manual of the Emperor's Hammer
Operations Manual Contents

Proceedures & Regulations
Award Recommendation & Approval
Award Authority Requirements
Design Submission & Approval
Identification Lines

Awards & Decorations
Medals of the Emperor's Hammer
Unit Citations & Miscellaneous
Medal & Award Abbrevitions

Uniform Regulations
General Uniform Regulations
TIE Pilot Flightsuit
Standard Duty Uniform
Full Dress Uniform
Grand Order of the Emperor - A member may obtain this medal for "service above and beyond the call of duty and valor extraordinaire." Award of this medal constitutes entrance into a fraternal order, members of which are highly respected in all manners of imperial functions, and their importance is indicated by the ceremonial dagger which they bear during special occasions where only a select few are permitted weaponry, reflecting the trust placed in these individuals. This medal can only be awarded by the Fleet Commander, Executive Officer, or the Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood.
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